
Cuseum is Celebrating its 5th Birthday!

This month, we are beyond excited to celebrate Cuseum’s 5th birthday! We’re kicking off the festivities with 5 Fun Facts about our company’s 5-year-long journey. So, let’s take a ride down memory lane!

Museopreneur: How Museums are Leaping into New Business Models with Entrepreneurial Spirit

mu·se·o·pre·neur | myüzē-äp(r)ə-ˈnər

Noun: one who embraces or assumes characteristics of an entrepreneur to advance their museum’s business model and general operations.

In Conversation at MuseumNext: Startups & Accelerators in the Cultural Sector

If you couldn’t make it to MuseumNext 2017, don’t worry, we have the next best thing! Brendan Ciecko, Cuseum’s CEO & Founder spoke with Rick Turoczy, Co-Founder of Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) in a session focusing on Startups & Accelerators in the Cultural Sector. Read on to relive the MuseumNext conversation, and learn how museums and cultural institutions could benefit from adopting startup mentalities!

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