Webinar Highlights: Membership Mondays: Fulfillment, Renewals & Budgets in Membership During Coronavirus

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It’s been over a month since many museums, zoos, and aquariums first closed down their physical sites due to coronavirus. This “new normal” has presented certain challenges, and many organizations are working to adapt their workflows to the current reality. In particular, many membership professionals are struggling with managing membership fulfillment, renewals, and reduced budgets from their home offices.

Over 1000 guests joined Dan Sullivan (Head of Partnerships @ Cuseum), Alice Stryker (Director, Individual Giving @ Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum), & Kimberly Kirkhart (Director of Membership @ Santa Barbara Zoo) as they discussed how they are adapting workflows and reallocating resources to stay on top of essential membership operations during this time.

Watch the full recording here.

Here are a few of the biggest takeaways from the conversation.

Let Your Members Know you Are Available as a Resource  

Many museums are using this time to act as a digital resource and to reach out to members to let them know they are appreciated. 

As members search for answers regarding their membership, it is important to maintain an open, honest and responsive line of communication. Alice noted that the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum’s strategy is to sympathize with current financial hardships by offering extensions on memberships. She suggested striking an appreciative tone in regards to donations and support and to offer digital resources as a source of value to members.

“Almost all of our members have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis in some capacity. For us, we really wanted to have the messaging be positive and be more about resources and programs that folks can participate in digitally.”
-Alice Stryker 

Now is also a good time to gather information about what your members want in the future. Both Alice and Kimberly suggested a short survey from home asking what kind of perks or discounts members would like to see. By gathering this information, your organization will have a better understanding of your members expectations and what programs to implement moving forward.

Form Real Connections with a Personal Touch

Genuine connections go a long way in maintaining current relationships and increasing the likelihood of donations and membership renewals. Personalized check-ins can be one of the best ways to develop a meaningful relationship with your members.

“Try to reach out to as many members as you possibly can, personally, or have somebody in your staff do it. We want to say thank you and we want to perform real connections with these folks because we're so grateful for what they do.”
- Alice Stryker 

Whether it is a phone call, a video message, personalized letter or a direct email from the president of your institution, now is the time to form deep connections. Regardless of the size of their contribution, it is a time to be honest, respectful and vulnerable. Let your members know how much they are valued and they will appreciate your openness during this difficult time.

Pro tip: Find more information about video messaging in our Communicating With your Members During Coronavirus webinar.

Work With The Technology you Have and Look into New Digital Options

Across the cultural sector, many organizations may be finding that the  traditional methods of outreach and engagement have been challenged during this time. In particular, the process of membership fulfillment and sending renewals has been disrupted by the lack of access to physical sites, mail houses, and printers. As a result, cultural institutions are turning towards digital options to continue their day to day operations.

“Now that we're using a digital platform, and all of that information is pulled directly from our database, there is less room for error. I'm spending less time worrying about those details and more time really zeroing in on stewardship and thinking.”
- Alice Stryker

Both panelists have adjusted their outreach as mail service continues to be affected by nationwide shutdowns. As is the case with many organizations, using a combination of phone and mail outreach mixed with email, digital cards, and social media has been a successful approach to reaching their members. This type of multichannel communication continues to grow in popularity as discussed in our previous webinars: Reinforcing The Value of Membership During Coronavirus and Expanding the Membership Experience During Coronavirus. 

Be Agile in your Budgeting and Resource Allocation

As a result of extended closures, museums are having to adjust their focus and budgets in real time. Organizations are reallocating and searching for alternatives to reduce costs, while still maintaining a high level of service to their members.

“We are going to be looking at other things that we may be able to offer on a digital platform, and even considering perhaps it's time for us to look into having a digital membership.”
-Kimberly Kirkhart

Many organizations are thinking of recovery plans in hopes of regaining lost revenue and are asking for donations to help offset the cost of lost ticket revenue. Institutions are also looking at ways to increase attendance by offering special discounts and guest pass incentives to drive revenue once they have reopened. As the timeline for closures remains uncertain, organizations are looking towards monetizing their digital content and turning to less expensive digital options for special promotions.

Pro Tip: Interested in going digital? Be sure to check out our Digital Membership Card and Guest Pass Referral solutions.

As we continue to adjust to the “new normal”, overcoming new challenges using an agile  approach is crucial during these unpredictable times. Although the outreach method continues to evolve, the message remains the same, personal connections will always be the driving force behind any successful membership program.

Looking for more information? Check out our coronavirus resources page.

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