Cuseum CEO Talks iBeacons and Digital Tour Guides in IoT Playbook


Cuseum’s Founder & CEO, Brendan Ciecko, was recently featured in IoT Playbook in an article exploring how Cuseum utilizes new technology to redefine the digital tour guide, while delving into the use of iBeacon technology. 

IoT Playbook points out the tedious task for museum visitors to find a map and trying to follow the predetermined markers and numbers through an exhibition. However, iBeacon technology will allow museums to create a digital tour guide that is easily accessible on visitors’ smartphones and delivers an engaging mobile experience. 

“Museums are important for making the past come alive, teaching, and preserving art and history. But engaging visitors and identifying what they like and where they spend their time can be a process of guesswork. Cuseum, of Boston, makes IoT products designed to change the equation by connecting individual items in the museum to visitors’ smart devices, turning phones and tablets into digital tour guides while delivering insights about visitors to museum management.”  

Read the Full Article: "Cuseum IoT Digital Tour Guide"

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